J. Robin
"Un récit entre Stranger Things et Umbrella Academy."
On les nomme Karma, Mirage, Vie, Mort et Mental.
Ensemble, ils forment la Quintessence.
Cinq frères et soeurs aux pouvoirs exceptionnels.
Cinq divinités redoutables qui, autrefois, dévastaient le monde.
Oui, mais voilà : depuis leur toute dernière réincarnation, les Cinq n'ont pas le moindre souvenir de leur passé.
Désormais adolescents, ils subissent de plein fouet la traque de la Cellule Noire, une organisation secrète pluricentenaire vouée à leur extermination.
Un jour, leur refuge est attaqué...
J. Robin écrit des romans fantastiques et de fantasy pour adolescents et adultes. Elle est également l'auteure de plusieurs romans à succès dont la duologie "Rouge Sang & Noir Corbeau". -
« On m'avait prédit un avenir tout tracé, celui de régner sur Shanmara et ses dunes sacrées. Mais mon désir ne se tournait que vers la mer et les landes salées. Je n'aspirais qu'à voyager, à explorer... Je ne pensais pas que mon rêve s'accomplirait aussi vite, j'ignorais à quel point je regretterais mon destin d'héritier... »En tant que premier-né, Kylian voit son avenir tout tracé. Il est destiné à monter sur le trône de Shanmara, le grand Empire des Rois du Feu. Mais le jeune homme ne rêve que d'une chose : prendre la mer pour découvrir le monde et vivre mille aventures. Prince indigne et dévergondé, il néglige son éducation et ses responsabilités.Par peur de le perdre, Samir, le second-né, pactise avec un Djinn. Cependant, l'ombre est traitresse et ne désire qu'une chose : libérer les siens. Prisonnier de son propre corps, Samir assiste alors à l'exil de son frère et au meurtre de son père.Bien que tout les sépare, et malgré la distance, les deux princes n'auront à coeur que de se retrouver.J. Robin (Justine Robin) est bercée très tôt par l'imaginaire. Déjà petite, elle se perdait dans des univers fantastiques bourrés de magie et de personnages hauts en couleur. Texte, dessin... Elle s'essaye à plusieurs techniques afin de donner vie à ses idées. Illustratrice, graphiste, maquettiste... elle possède aujourd'hui plusieurs cordes à son arc.C'est en 2016 qu'elle publie son premier roman, puis vient la saga de « L'Apprentie Faucheuse » quelques années plus tard. Ses tribulations imaginaires l'entraînent finalement au coeur de Shanmara, le grand empire du feu. Elle y encrera alors l'histoire des « Princes du Feu », fortement inspirée par les décors et l'ambiance de ses voyages en Afrique et en Asie. En parallèle, cette passionnée de communication prête sa plume et son coup de crayon à divers magazines de l'imaginaire, tout en hantant les conventions et les salons littéraires.
Fragilité blanche ; ce racisme que les blancs ne voient pas
Robin j. Diangelo
- Les Arènes
- 1 Juillet 2020
- 9791037501981
Pourquoi est-il si difficile de parler de racisme quand on est blanc ?
La sociologue américaine Robin DiAngelo a passé vingt ans à étudier cette question dans des ateliers sur la diversité et le multiculturalisme. Elle en a tiré un concept fondamental pour comprendre le rapport des Blancs au racisme : la fragilité blanche, un mécanisme de défense ou de déni qui permet de détourner la conversation, empêchant d'identifier le racisme systémique qui persiste dans nos sociétés. Et donc de le combattre.
Dans ce livre devenu un phénomène aux États-Unis, en tête des meilleures ventes depuis deux ans, Robin DiAngelo nous donne les clés pour être véritablement antiraciste.
" Une dénonciation méthodique, précieuse et irréfutable, un appel à l'humilité et à la vigilance. " THE NEW YORKER
Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Bérengère Viennot. Préface de Maxime Cervulle. -
Rennes-le-château ; saunière's secret
Robin J-Lincoln H
- Sud Ouest
- Document
- 16 Septembre 2023
- 9782817702919
" J'abordais l'affaire Seunière avec des yeux neufs. J'avais ses archives à ma disposition. Je vivais dans sa maison et ma position me plaçait à l'intersection d'une foule d'informations. En face de moi, un public parfois goguenard souvent incrédule, mais toujours curieux. Chaque jour était un nouveau défi, chaque heure de visite une nouvelle mise en scène. Je savais que j'avais conquis mon public lorsqu'on me demandait à chaque fin de visite guidée si je n'avais pas écrit un livre sur le sujet. " Ce livre, le voici enfin : décapant, malicieux, plein de tendresse pour un prêtre hors du commun, fourmillant de détails et de documents. L'auteur nous mène pas à pas dans le sillage d'un Béranger Saunière intime qui nous dévoile ses secrets, jusqu'au moment où notre guide se retourne pour nous déclarer : " A partir de ce moment, je suis obligé de vous lâchez la main... " Laissons la parole à Henry Lincoln, le préfacier : " Tous les autres auteurs, dont moi-même, n'avons saisi qu'une ombre de ce qu'était la vraie vie de Béranger Saunière. Jean-Luc, lui, l'a ressenti. Il l'a vécu. C'est pourquoi ce livre a enfin quelque chose de plus à offrir. "
Fascinating and instantly recognizable, flatfishes are unique in their asymmetric postlarval body form. With over 800 extant species recognized and a distribution stretching around the globe, these fishes are of considerable research interest and provide a major contribution to commercial and recreational fisheries worldwide. This second edition of Flatfishes: Biology and Exploitation has been completely revised, updated and enlarged to respond to the ever-growing body of research. It provides:
o Overviews of systematics, distribution, life history strategies, reproduction, recruitment, ecology and behaviour
o Descriptions of the major fisheries and their management
o An assessment of the synergies between ecological and aquaculture research of flatfishes.
Carefully compiled and edited by four internationally-known scientists and with chapters written by many world leaders in the field, this excellent new edition of a very popular and successful book is essential reading for fish biologists, fisheries scientists, marine biologists, aquaculture personnel, ecologists, environmental scientists, and government workers in fisheries and fish and wildlife departments. Flatfishes: Biology and Exploitation, Second Edition, should be found in all libraries of research establishments and universities where life sciences, fish biology, fisheries, aquaculture, marine sciences, oceanography, ecology and environmental sciences are studied and taught. Reviews of the First Edition
o A solid, up-to-date book that advanced students and research scientists with interests in fish biology will find interesting and useful. Aquaculture International
o A data-rich book that outlines much of what you might ever want to know about flatfishes. Fish & Fisheries
o Well presented with clear illustrations and a valuable source of information for those with a general interest in fish ecology or for the more specialist reader. You should make sure that your library has a copy. J Fish Biology
o An excellent and very practical overview of the whole, global flatfish scene. Anyone interested in flatfish at whichever stage of the economic food chain should invest in a copy immediately. Ausmarine
o Because of the high quality of each chapter, written by international experts, it is a valuable reference. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries -
Early Human Kinship brings together original studies from leading figures in the biological sciences, social anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics to provide a major breakthrough in the debate over human evolution and the nature of society. A major new collaboration between specialists across the range of the human sciences including evolutionary biology and psychology; social/cultural anthropology; archaeology and linguistics Provides a ground-breaking set of original studies offering a new perspective on early human history Debates fundamental questions about early human society: Was there a connection between the beginnings of language and the beginnings of organized 'kinship and marriage'? How far did evolutionary selection favor gender and generation as principles for regulating social relations? Sponsored by the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland in conjunction with the British Academy
Macromolecular Protein Complexes III: Structure and Function
Jon Marles-Wright
- Springer
- 30 Novembre 2020
- 9783030589714
This book covers important topics such as the dynamic structure and function of the 26S proteasome, the DNA replication machine: structure and dynamic function and the structural organization and protein-protein interactions in the human adenovirus capsid, to mention but a few.The 18 chapters included here, written by experts in their specific field, are at the forefront of scientific knowledge. The impressive integration of structural data from X-ray crystallography with that from cryo-electron microscopy is apparent throughout the book. In addition, functional aspects are also given a high priority. Chapter 1 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
This volume of the established Subcellular Biochemistry series presents 20 chapters dealing with a broad range of interesting protein complexes. It will enable researchers to readily appreciate the major contribution from both X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy in this field of study. The biological significance of these structural studies is emphasised throughout the book. The diversity of the material included here indicates the breadth of this field and the tremendous progress that has been made in recent years. The book is directed primarily to advanced students and researchers in structural biology, and others in the biochemical sciences. It will be supplemented by other related books within the Subcellular Biochemistry series. One of the Editors (JM-W) is actively involved in structural biology and the other (JRH), as a retired academic and the Series Editor of Subcellular Biochemistry, has long experience at editing multi-author books.
Alzheimer's Disease: Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Amyloid beta
Falk Fahrenholz
- Springer
- 22 Novembre 2006
- 9780387232263
To understand Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the major thrusts of present-day clinical research, strongly supported by more fimdamental cellular, biochemical, immunological and structural studies. It is these latter that receive attention within this book. This compilation of 20 chapters indicates the diversity of work currently in progress and summarizes the current state of knowledge. Experienced authors who are scientifically active in their fields of study have been selected as contributors to this book, in an attempt to present a reasonably complete survey of the field. Inevitably, some exciting topics for one reason or another have not been included, for which we can only apologize. Standardization of terminology is often a problem in science, not least in the Alzheimer field; editorial effort has been made to achieve standardization between the Chapters, but some minor yet acceptable personal / author variation is still present, i. e. P-amyloid/amyloid-P; Ap42/Apl-42/APi. 42! The book commences with a broad survey of the contribution that the range of available microscopical techniques has made to the study of Alzheimer's amyloid plaques and amyloid fibrillogenesis. This chapter also serves as an Introduction to the book, since several of the topics introduced here are expanded upon in later chapters. Also, it is significant to the presence of this chapter that the initial discovery of brain plaques, by Alois Alzheimer, utilized light microscopy, a technique that continues to be extremely valuable in present-day AD research.
A volume within the Subcellular Biochemistry series is an appropriate setting for the first multi-author book devoted to the new family of antioxidant and cell signalling proteins, the peroxiredoxins. Within the antioxidant and cell signalling fields, even the existence of the peroxiredoxins has yet to be appreciated by many; with this book we aim to rectify this situation. We have tried to select diverse chapter topics to cover relevant aspects of the subject and to persuade knowledgeable authors to contribute a manuscript. As almost inevitable, a few authors let us down by failing to respond, others could not submit a manuscript in time for personal reasons. These unfortunately were two of the pioneers, Earl Stadtman and Sue Goo Rhee, but we appreciate that they communicated a lot of details that helped us to reconstruct the early phase of peroxiredoxin enzymology. We have thus compiled a book that competently covers the peroxiredoxin field from its beginnings through to currently relevant topics. In the introductory Chapter 1 we provide a short historical survey of the subject, based upon the early structural and enzymic studies on peroxiredoxins, and then lead into some of our current personal interests, such as the likely continuing contribution of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for the study of high molecular mass peroxiredoxin complexes and the association of peroxiredoxins with other proteins, and the targeting of drugs against microbial peroxiredoxins, as future therapeutic approaches.
The purpose of this book is to provide a synthesis of the ever evolving field of pediatric viral infections. The most common and exotic pediatric viral infections are fully reviewed in this first one of a two volume set. All contributions are written by recognized experts in the field. The publication will appeal to medical microbiologists, practitioners, medical students and other health care providers with a pediatric interest. The known literature on viral infections in children is summarized and discussed in the light of changes in thinking as a result of novel and new evidence.
This second one of a two volume set will be of interest to medical microbiologists, practitioners, medical students and other health care providers who are engaged in management and treatment of pediatric viral infections. New evidence on topics related to better clinical management of patients is presented. The book may double as a clinical guide to care with algorithms, Practice Points and photographs and therefore aid the clinical decision making in management of sick children.
The aim of this book is primarily to enable those wanting to invest in coaching to be able to do so in the most effective way whether they are doing this as an organisation or as an individual. It illustrates the impact coaching can have and identifies changes in leadership and management demands and expectations. We consider what a coachee gets out of coaching, different formats for coaching and its potential value at Board level, including for the Chief Executive Officer, and for other individuals or groups such as new recruits or those who have just been promoted. We look at the difference between coaching and mentoring and the potential benefits that both can have, especially in combination. We look at how coaching programmes can be introduced effectively and how a leader might introduce coaching in their organisation. We address the international dimension with many organisations looking to ensure that leadership is based on similar values throughout its global reach. This book is unashamedly about business coaching. Quality coaching engagement will impact into an individual's wider life priorities and use of time and energy. But the effective delivery of business priorities has to be at the basis of introducing business coaching. Chapter headings: Effective Engagement The Impact Coaching Can Have Coaching in Context: Changes in Leadership and Management Demands and Expectations What Makes a Good Coach What a Coachee Gets Out of Engaging with Coaching Different Formats for Coaching Coaching and the Chief Executive Different Focuses of Individual Coaching The Difference Between Coaching and Mentoring Meeting Business Priorities Introducing Coaching Programmes in a Whole Organisation Running Coaching in Your Organisation The International Dimension
The Subcellular Biochemistry series has recently embarked upon an almost encyclopaedic coverage of topics relating to the structure and function of macromolecular complexes (Volumes 82, 83 and 87). The present multi-author text covers numerous aspects of current research into molecular virology, with emphasis upon viral protein and nucleoprotein structure and function. Structural data from cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography is displayed throughout the book.
The 17 chapters in the book cover diverse interesting topics, all currently under investigation, contributed by authors who are active actively involved in present-day research. Whilst structural aspects predominate, there is much consideration of the structure-function relationship. In addition, the book correlates with and extends from Volume 68 of the series "Structure and Physics of Viruses: An Integrated Textbook".
This book is directed primarily at professionals that work in the broad field of Structural Biology and will be of particular interest to Structural Virologists. The editors, David Bhella and Robin Harris, have much experience in virology and protein structure, respectively. Dr Bhella is Director of the Scottish Macromolecular Imaging Centre. Professor Robin Harris is the long-standing Series Editor of the Subcellular Biochemistry series. He has edited and contributed to several books in the series. -
The content of this volume has been added to eMagRes (formerly Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance) - the ultimate online resource for NMR and MRI. The term "NMR Crystallography" has only recently come into common usage, and even now causes raised eyebrows within some parts of the diffraction community. The power of solid-state NMR to give crystallographic information has considerably increased since the CPMAS suite of techniques was introduced in 1976. In the first years of the 21st century, the ability of NMR to provide information to support and facilitate the analysis of single-crystal and powder diffraction patterns has become widely accepted. Indeed, NMR can now be used to refine diffraction results and, in favorable cases, to solve crystal structures with minimal (or even no) diffraction data. The increasing ability to relate chemical shifts (including the tensor components) to the crystallographic location of relevant atoms in the unit cell via computational methods has added significantly to the practice of NMR crystallography. Diffraction experts will increasingly welcome NMR as an allied technique in their structural analyses. Indeed, it may be that in the future crystal structures will be determined by simultaneously fitting diffraction patterns and NMR spectra. This Handbook is organised into six sections. The first contains an overview and some articles on fundamental NMR topics, followed by a section concentrating on chemical shifts, and one on coupling interactions. The fourth section contains articles describing how NMR results relate to fundamental crystallography concepts and to diffraction methods. The fifth section concerns specific aspects of structure, such as hydrogen bonding. Finally, four articles in the sixth section give applications of NMR crystallography to structural biology, organic & pharmaceutical chemistry, inorganic & materials chemistry, and geochemistry. About EMR Handbooks / eMagRes Handbooks The Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance (up to 2012) and eMagRes (from 2013 onward) publish a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of EMR Handbooks / eMagRes Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of articles from eMagRes. In consultation with the eMagRes Editorial Board, the EMR Handbooks / eMagRes Handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles are written (together with updates of some already existing articles) to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this Handbook and the complete content of eMagRes at your fingertips!
View other eMagRes publications here -
Membrane Protein Complexes: Structure and Function
J. Robin Harris, Egbert J. Boekema
- Springer
- 20 Février 2018
- 9789811077579
This edited book contains a compilation of 14 advanced academic chapters dealing with the structure and function of membrane protein complexes. This rapidly advancing important field of study closely parallels those on soluble protein complexes, and viral protein and nucleoprotein complexes. Diverse topics are included in this book, ranging from membrane-bound enzymes to ion channels, proton pumps and photosystems. Data from X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy and other biophysical and biochemical techniques are presented throughout the book. There is extensive use of colour figures of protein structures. Throughout the book structure and function are closely correlated. The two editors, Egbert Boekema and J. Robin Harris, have worked on aspects of membrane and soluble proteins throughout their scientific careers and also have much publishing experience. The Subcellular Biochemistry series has expanded considerably in recent years, including several related volumes. The theme of protein complexes will be continued within several future volumes, thereby creating encyclopaedic coverage. The chapter topics within this book are particularly relevant to those involved in the biological and biomedical sciences. It is aimed at the advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and established researchers within this broad field. It is hoped that the book will be of interest and use to those involved with the study of cellular membranes and their associated proteins.
Cholesterol Binding and Cholesterol Transport Proteins:
J. Robin Harris
- Springer
- 10 Mars 2010
- 9789048186228
Knowledge of cholesterol and its interaction with protein molecules is of fundamental importance in both animal and human biology. This book contains 22 chapters, dealing in depth with structural and functional aspects of the currently known and extremely diverse unrelated families of cholesterol-binding and cholesterol transport proteins. By drawing together this range of topics the Editor has attempted to correlate this broad field of study for the first time. Technical aspects are given considerable emphasis, particularly in relation cholesterol reporter molecules and to the isolation and study of membrane cholesterol- and sphingomyelin-rich "raft" domains. Cell biological, biochemical and clinical topics are included in this book, which serve to emphasize the acknowledged and important benefits to be gained from the study of cholesterol and cholesterol-binding proteins within the biomedical sciences and the involvement of cholesterol in several clinical disorders.
It is hoped that by presenting this topic in this integrated manner that an appreciation of the fact that there is much more that needs to be taken into account, studied and understood than the widely discussed "bad and good cholesterol" associated, respectively, with the low- and high-density lipoproteins, LDL and HDL. -
Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part I Biomedical Science
Viktor I. Korolchuk
- Springer
- 18 Février 2019
- 9789811328350
This new volume in the Subcellular Biochemistry series will focus on the biochemistry and cellular biology of aging processes in human cells. The chapters will be written by experts in their respective fields and will focus on a number of the current key areas of research in subcellular aging research. Main topics for discussion are mitochondrial aging, protein homeostasis and aging and the genetic processes that are involved in aging. There will also be chapters that are dedicated to the study of the roles of a variety of vitamins and minerals on aging and a number of other external factors (microbiological, ROS, inflammation, nutrition). This book will provide the reader with a state of the art overview of the subcellular aging field. This book will be published in cooperation with a second volume that will discuss the translation of the cell biology of aging to a more clinical setting and it is hoped that the combination of these two volumes will bring a deeper understanding of the links between the cell and the body during aging.
Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part II Clinical Science
Viktor I. Korolchuk
- Springer
- 19 Mars 2019
- 9789811336812
This volume of the subcellular Biochemistry series will attempt to bridge the gap between the subcellular events that are related to aging as they were described in the first volume of this set of two books and the reality of aging as this is seen in clinical practice. All chapters will start from the biochemistry or cell biology, where the data is available and work up towards the understanding that we have of aging in the various areas that are related to the subject. Key focus points for this volume are nutrition, external factors and genetics on aging. There will also be chapters that will focus on various organs or tissues in which aging has been well studied, like the eyes, the muscles, the immune system and the bones. The aim of the book project and the book project that is published in concert with this volume is to bring the subcellular and clinical areas into closer contact.
Vertebrate and Invertebrate Respiratory Proteins, Lipoproteins and other Body Fluid Proteins
Ulrich Hoeger
- Springer
- 18 Mars 2020
- 9783030417697
This book focuses on respiratory proteins, the broad hemoglobin family, as well as the molluscan and arachnid hemocyanins (and their multifunctional roles). Featuring 20 chapters addressing invertebrate and vertebrate respiratory proteins, lipoproteins and other body fluid proteins, and drawing on the editors' extensive research in the field, it is a valuable addition to the Subcellular Biochemistry book series.
The book covers a wide range of topics, including lipoprotein structure and lipid transport; diverse annelid, crustacean and insect defense proteins; and insect and vertebrate immune complexes. It also discusses a number of other proteins, such as the hemerythrins; serum albumin; serum amyloid A; von Willebrand factor and its interaction with factor VIII; and C-reactive protein.
Given its scope, the book appeals to biologists, biomedical scientists and clinicians, as well as advanced undergraduates and postgraduates in these disciplines. Available as a printedbook and also as an e-book and e-chapters, the fascinating material included is easily accessible. -
Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part IV, Clinical Science
Viktor I. Korolchuk
- Springer
- 29 Avril 2023
- 9783031265761
This book provides an up-to-date overview of key areas of ageing research and bridges the gap between the subcellular events and the reality of ageing as seen in clinical practice.To this end, the reader learns about the historical development and progression of clinical ageing research. All chapters address the biochemistry or cell biology of various ageing events (to the extent that the data are available) and work their way to the clinical understanding we have of ageing. The focus of this volume is on how dietary restriction, virus infection and chronic inflammation affect the ageing process. Additionally, this book discusses how phosphate metabolism and metabolic dysfunction contribute to ageing events and how various organs and tissues (e.g. tendons, ears, heart muscle, and the endocrine system) age. This book follows on from Parts I, II and III of Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing within the Subcellular Biochemistry book series and aims to bring the subcellular and clinical areas into closer contact by including interesting and significant biomedical ageing topics that were not included in the earlier volumes. Comprehensive and cutting-edge, this book is a valuable resource for experienced researchers and early career scientist alike, who are interested in learning more about the fascinating and challenging question of why and how our cells age.
Safety and Security in Hotels and Home Sharing
Chelsea A. Binns
- Springer
- 9 Novembre 2020
- 9783030593063
This brief comparatively reviews the security and safety features of hotels and home sharing services. It reviews crime data, laws, and applicable theories - such as defensible space, rational choice, and routine activity theories - to determine how responsibility for crime control and accident prevention in these industries is allotted.This analysis identifies key policy questions about the role of the home sharing hosts and guests in ensuring their own safety and security, which will be of interest to policy makers, researchers and practitioners in criminal justice and law enforcement, as well as those involved in the home sharing and hotel industries.
Macromolecular Protein Complexes II: Structure and Function
Jon Marles-Wright
- Springer
- 14 Janvier 2020
- 9783030281519
This book follows on from Volume 83 in the SCBI series ("Macromolecular Protein Complexes"), and addresses several important topics (such as the Proteasome, Anaphase Promoting Complex, Ribosome and Apoptosome) that were not previously included, together with a number of additional exciting topics in this rapidly expanding field of study. Although the first SCBI Protein Complex book focused on soluble protein complexes, the second (Vol. 87)addressed Membrane Complexes, and the third (Vol. 88) put the spotlight on Viral Protein and Nucleoprotein Complexes, a number of membrane, virus and even fibrillar protein complexes have been be considered for inclusion in the present book. A further book is also under preparation that follows the same pattern, in an attempt to provide a thorough coverage of the subject.
Chapter 9 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via -
A valuable resource on how to diagnose and treat temporomandibular disorders (TMD) The newly and thoroughly revised 2nd Edition of Temporomandibular Disorders: A Problem-Based Approach delivers a systematic and logical approach to diagnosing and treating temporomandibular disorders. Using a case-based approach to assist readers with understanding and retention, the book discusses the practical realities of managing patients and promoting effective treatment of temporomandibular disorders. Containing full colour clinical images and diagrams throughout, the chapters include practical guides on how to make splints and samples of patient information sheets which can be used as templates. Readers will get access to topics such as: The clinical aspects of anatomy, function, pathology, and classification Differential diagnosis of temporomandibular joint problems Clicking joint problems and the use of preliminary investigation in disc displacement Temporomandibular joint locking diagnosis and treatment, including final treatment plans Facial pain examinations, differential diagnosis, and questions to ask patients regarding pain in general Headaches, worn teeth, dislocated jaws, and more issues that arise in the treatment of temporomandibular joint problems Perfect for undergraduate dental students and general dental practitioners, the new edition of Temporomandibular Disorders is also useful to postgraduate dental students, academics, and researchers.