- Springer (10)
- Eyrolles (2)
- Palgrave Macmillan (2)
- Polity (2)
- Armand Colin (1)
- Capstone (1)
- Editions L'Harmattan (1)
- Larousse (réédition numérique FeniXX) (1)
- Palgrave Pivot (1)
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (1)
- SAGE Publications Ltd (1)
- Wiley-Blackwell (1)
- Éditions Underground (1)
Qui aurait pensé qu'un simple article posté sur le célèbre site Wikipédia aurait une incidence pareille sur le monde entier ? Un article qui ne sera resté visible sur le Net qu'une poignée de secondes avant d'être intercepté et effacé par une obscure organisation américaine, la Power Brain Development. Pourtant, 7 personnes auront le temps d'assimiler ce mystérieux message, sans se douter une seule seconde que cette lecture anodine les entraînera dans une course mortelle vers la plus grande menace que l'humanité n'ait jamais connue. Pourquoi eux ? Pourront-ils le découvrir avant qu'il ne soit trop tard ?
Profession graphiste indépendant : Statuts et démarches, droit d'auteur, aspects commerciaux, pratiques à l'épreuve
Julien Moya, Eric Delamarre
- Eyrolles
- Profession
- 25 Janvier 2024
- 9782212507478
Créer et développer une activité de graphiste indépendant est un parcours du combattant...
Au milieu de la jungle des statuts administratifs et des codes légaux, des on-dit plus ou moins fiables et autres mythes ou incompréhensions entourant le métier, le graphiste, en plus des qualités créatives et techniques inhérentes à la profession, devra compter sur une documentation complète et une solide expérience pour devenir un chef d'entreprise accompli.
Écrit par un graphiste indépendant assisté par un photographe indépendant, tous deux ancrés dans les réalités d'une vie de free-lance, ce livre de référence est bien plus qu'un simple guide des procédures et formalités rythmant le quotidien d'un graphiste à son compte : il offre aussi et surtout une méthode et un point de vue sur le métier. La pratique de l'activité y est abordée dans tous ses aspects, à travers les questions qu'elle suscite et les réponses les plus efficaces et éprouvées à y apporter. Cette 7e édition est à jour de toutes les dernières réformes fiscales et sociales des deux années écoulées (micro-entrepreneurs, évolution du régime des auteurs, prélèvement à la source...) à connaître impérativement pour gérer au mieux son activité..
Statuts et démarches
Droit d'auteur
Aspects commerciaux
Pratiques à l'épreuve -
Voici un ouvrage destiné aux créatifs envisageant de se lancer en indépendant, quel que soit le stade de leur réflexion. Qu'implique exactement l'indépendance ? Est-ce difficile ? Ai-je les compétences pour me lancer sans me rater ? Quels sont les pièges à éviter ?
Les 80 réponses concrètes apportées par l'auteur, indépendant expérimenté, couvrent l'ensemble des questions les plus fréquemment posées par les apprentis free-lances désireux de tout comprendre avant de sauter le pas : les statuts, l'administratif, le marché, l'argent, le réseau, la gestion des clients...
L'ouvrage s'adresse à tous les créatifs : graphistes, illustrateurs, photographes, designers, développeurs, concepteurs, rédacteurs, game designers, Sound designers... Un outil unique, simple et didactique pour faire le point sur votre projet. -
This book focuses on the worldwide frequent and growing problem with its projective trajectory that encompasses pediatric overweight and obesity. Through the ten chapters it offers in the first four a comprehensive state of art of the bases of pediatric obesity in order to support the following ones with new and proved clinical issues, as recent complementary features on anthropometry and food intake and new safe treatments.
This books discusses comorbidities, trajectories, prevention, extended periods and treatment. For effective prevention, clues are given to routinely screen all comorbidities that are already present in overweight or obese children but frequently overlooked.This volume will be of benefit to pediatricians, endocrinologists and all healthcare providers interested in the care of children and adolescents. -
The Roles of Accelerated Pavement Testing in Pavement Sustainability
Jose P. Aguiar-Moya, Adriana Vargas-Nordcbeck, Fabricio Leiva-Villacorta, Luis G. Loria-Salazar
- Springer
- 15 Septembre 2016
- 9783319427973
This compendium gathers the latest advances in the area of Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT), a means of testing full-scale pavement construction in an accelerated manner for structural deterioration in a very short term. Compiling novel research results presented at the 5th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing, San Jose, Costa Rica, the volume serves as a timely and highly relevant resource for materials scientists and engineers interested in determining the performance of a pavement structure during its service life (10+ years) in a few weeks or months.
With the publication of her highly acclaimed and much-cited book Gender Trouble, Judith Butler became one of the most influential feminist theorists of her generation. Her theory of gender performativity and her writings on corporeality, on the injurious capacity of language, on the vulnerability of human life to violence and on the impact of mourning on politics have, taken together, comprised a substantial and highly original body of work that has a wide and truly cross-disciplinary appeal. In this lively book, Moya Lloyd provides both a clear exposition and an original critique of Butler's work. She examines Butlers core ideas, traces the development of her thought from her first book to her most recent work, and assesses Butlers engagements with the philosophies of Hegel, Foucault, Derrida, Irigaray and de Beauvoir, as well as addressing the nature and impact of Butler's writing on feminist theory. Throughout Lloyd is particularly concerned to examine Butler's political theory, including her critical interventions in such contemporary political controversies as those surrounding gay marriage, hate-speech, human rights, and September 11 and its aftermath. Judith Butler offers an accessible and original contribution to existing debates that will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars alike.
Ask yourself the right questions-and find the answers to your happiness The Question brings together the best of what is thought and known from the world of self-help. The author shows readers what can build a path toward greater well-being and believes that the quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask yourself. The book combines a mix of practical and emotional content; it follows the highs and lows of real-life experience to help inspire readers, giving them practical information to help them discover their true purpose in life, and the confidence to pursue it. The Question explores: Greatness, success, fulfilment, and passion The Three Pillars to succeed Building The Best You Resilience, Revolution and Re-invention You cannot go through life being passive-you must find your answer to The Question. That is, how can you realize your life's purpose? Find out inside this book. . . and inside yourself!
This book explores the exciting world of theoretical biology and is divided into three sections. The first section examines the roles played by renowned scientists such as Jacob, Monod, Rosen, Turing, von Bertalanffy, Waddington and Woodger in developing the field of theoretical biology. The second section, aided with numerous examples, supports the idea that logic and computing are suitable formal languages to describe and understand biological phenomena. The third and final section is, without doubt, the most intellectually challenging and endeavors to show the possible paths we could take to compute a cell - the basic unit of life - or the conditions required for a predictive theory of biological evolution; ultimately, a theory of life in the light of modern Systems Biology. The work aims to show that modern biology is closer than ever to making Goethe's dream come true and that we have reached a point where synthetic and analytical traditions converge to shed light on the living being as a whole.
Social Justice in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region
Mark Lusk, Kathleen Staudt, Eva Moya
- Springer
- 12 Juin 2012
- 9789400741508
The U.S.-Mexico Border Region is among the poorest geographical areas in the United States. The region has been long characterized by dual development, poor infrastructure, weak schools, health disparities and low-wage employment. More recently, the region has been affected by the violence associated with a drug and crime war in Mexico. The premise of this book is that the U.S.-Mexico Border Region is subject to systematic oppression and that the so-called social pathologies that we see in the region are by-products of social and economic injustice in the form of labor exploitation, environmental racism, immigration militarism, institutional sexism and discrimination, health inequities, a political economy based on low-wage labor, and the globalization of labor and capital. The chapters address a variety of examples of injustice in the areas of environment, health disparity, migration unemployment, citizenship, women and gender violence, mental health, and drug violence. The book proposes a pathway to development.
Journeys in the Sun: Travel Literature and Desire in the Balearic Islands (1903-1939)
Eduard Moya
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 15 Août 2017
- 9783034330367
The Mediterranean and the Balearic Islands have always enticed the minds of British travellers. In the first years of the twentieth century, the tourist industry made the islands accessible for a wide number of visitors, who depicted them in pictures and words. In the following decades, however, the image of the islands shifted and developed considerably from a quiet and pastoral winter resort to a popular destination for pleasure-seeking tourists and "sea `n' sun" tourism. Taking these last representations as a starting point, this book travels back in time to explain how, by whom and why these images were created/shifted/developed to articulate the ultimate place of leisure and pleasure signified in today's Majorca and Ibiza. The depiction and the evolution of topics such as `travel', `tourism', `authenticity', `landscape', `South', `North', `margin', `centre', `exoticism', `people', `costumes' and `customs' are examined in order to establish their contribution to the formulation of the `Balearic paradise' in the first third of the twentieth century. This book will help the reader to understand the imagery associated with the islands today.
Chantal Moya
- Larousse (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Globe-trotter, les villes ont une histoi
- 4 Février 2019
- 9782706241369
La connaissance est au bout du voyage. Une collection de documentaires, pour tous ceux qui ont envie de découvrir un pays, un animal, une ville, une époque, une montagne, un fleuve... et tout ce qui existe dans l'univers.
En raison de son passé glorieux, Athènes devint - en 1834 - la capitale de la Grèce. Les visiteurs du monde entier, qui gravissent aujourd'hui les marches de l'Acropole pour admirer les merveilles de l'art grec, se souviennent-ils que cette cité, la première, vit naître la démocratie, environ 600 ans avant Jésus-Christ ? -
The World Told and the World Shown
Eija Ventola, Arsenio Jesus Moya Guijarro
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 29 Octobre 2009
- 9780230245341
Positioned within the field of linguistics and multisemiotic discourse analysis, the theme of this book is the multifaceted interaction between text and image in different discourse genres, and it offers critical views on how we talk and show our experience of the world around us.
Challenges and Trends in Multimodal Fall Detection for Healthcare
Hiram Ponce, Lourdes Martnez-Villaseor, Jorge Brieva, Ernesto Moya-Albor
- Springer
- 28 Janvier 2020
- 9783030387488
This book focuses on novel implementations of sensor technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision and statistics for automated, human fall recognition systems and related topics using data fusion.
It includes theory and coding implementations to help readers quickly grasp the concepts and to highlight the applicability of this technology. For convenience, it is divided into two parts. The first part reviews the state of the art in human fall and activity recognition systems, while the second part describes a public dataset especially curated for multimodal fall detection. It also gathers contributions demonstrating the use of this dataset and showing examples.
This book is useful for anyone who is interested in fall detection systems, as well as for those interested in solving challenging, signal recognition, vision and machine learning problems. Potential applications include health care, robotics, sports, human-machine interaction, among others.
The Importance of Connectedness in Student-Teacher Relationships
Irene Garcia-Moya
- Palgrave Pivot
- 15 Mai 2020
- 9783030434465
This book argues for the importance of connectedness in student-teacher relationships during adolescence and advocates a more holistic and proactive approach to wellbeing in education. Combining education, psychology and health promotion perspectives, the book begins by providing an overview of theoretical frameworks in the study of student-teacher relationships and makes the case that good relationships with teachers are essential to students' well-being in school. The book then goes on to present the concept of connectedness and discusses the main challenges regarding its conceptualisation in school research. García-Moya draws on qualitative findings from the Teacher Connectedness Project to offer an in-depth examination of the central attributes of student-teacher connectedness, as well as of the links between connectedness and authority from both students' and teachers' perspectives. This innovative project uses a synergistic approach to investigate the role of teachers as potential significant adults in students' lives. The final chapter offers a summary of the key practical implications for teachers and educators and makes recommendations for future research directions in this area. This book will be a valuable resource for researchers and educators alike, as well as for anyone interested in the ongoing concerns about student wellbeing in schools.
Aligner Techniques in Orthodontics
Susana Palma Moya, Javier Lozano Zafra
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 8 Avril 2021
- 9781119607236
An essential guide to the theoretical and practical clinical information on different aligner techniques in orthodontics Aligner Techniques in Orthodontics is filled with the theoretical and practical clinical information on the popular aligner techniques with a focus on Invisalign. Written by practicing orthodontists and noted experts on the topic, the book is designed to help practitioners develop their skills in using aligners in orthodontics. The authors describe in detail the clear and simple methods for treating patients using different aligner techniques, as well as material on treating any given malocclusion. The book is filled with descriptive illustrations and includes helpful suggestions and ideas for implementing the various aligner techniques. This important guide: Provides theoretical and practical clinical information on different aligner techniques including Invisalign Offers clear and simple methods to treat patients using different aligner techniques Explains how to use clear aligners to treat a given malocclusion Written by two renowned experts in Align and Invisalign technology Written for practicing orthodontists and general dentists, Aligner Techniques in Orthodontics provides an invaluable resource for practicing orthodontists.
The Emergence of Social Entrepreneurship
Virginia Simon-Moya, Maria Rodriguez-Garcia
- Springer
- 9 Septembre 2021
- 9783030806354
The rise of hybrid ventures is proof that another way of doing business is possible. Many developments in the last 15 years highlight the significance of social entrepreneurship: the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize to Grameen Bank, the efforts of scholars in studying social ventures, and the new academic programs at Ivy League universities, as well as the creation of indices such as the United Nations Human Development Index to measure non-economic issues. This book portrays these as strong indicators to support the development and sustenance of a market-based economy that also imbibes social progress and human values.
This book emphasizes that awareness of the conditions under which social start-ups emerge is crucial. The authors provide a thorough and empirical analysis of the emergence of social entrepreneurship using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data as well as case studies from practice. From the perspective of individuals, they examine the most important characteristics of social entrepreneurs, and from a macro perspective, social ventures are studied as agents of change. A handpicked collection of successful cases of social ventures also provides the reader with an awareness of the best practices. -
Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory (2018-2022)
Juan Carlos Garcia Prada, Cristina Castejon, Jose Ignacio Pedrero Moya
- Springer
- 10 Juin 2023
- 9783031257308
This book presents content from the Third International Symposium on the Education in Mechanism and Machine Science (ISEMMS 2022). Among others, the chapters report on mechanical engineering education, mechanism and machine science in the mechanical engineer curricula, methodology, virtual laboratories and new laws. Special attention is given to MMS experiences in Pandemic times. The chapters discuss the current problems in MMS education with the aim of providing solutions and identifying appropriate trends for a modern world common vision in the Engineering education field.
The Matrix Perturbation Method in Quantum Mechanics
Francisco Soto-Eguibar, Braulio Misael Villegas-Martinez, Hector Manuel Moya-Cessa
- Springer
- 19 Janvier 2024
- 9783031485466
This book provides an alternative approach to time-independent perturbation theory in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. It allows easy application to any initial condition because it is based on an approximation to the evolution operator and may also be used on unitary evolution operators for the unperturbed Hamiltonian in the case where the eigenvalues cannot be found. This flexibility sets it apart from conventional perturbation theory. The matrix perturbation method also gives new theoretical insights; for example, it provides corrections to the energy and wave function in one operation. Another notable highlight is the facility to readily derive a general expression for the normalization constant at m-th order, a significant difference between the approach within and those already in the literature. Another unique aspect of the matrix perturbation method is that it can be extended directly to the Lindblad master equation. The first and second-order corrections are obtained for this equation and the method is generalized for higher orders. An alternative form of the Dyson series, in matrix form instead of integral form, is also obtained. Throughout the book, several benchmark examples and practical applications underscore the potential, accuracy and good performance of this novel approach. Moreover, the method's applicability extends to some specific time-dependent Hamiltonians. This book represents a valuable addition to the literature on perturbation theory in quantum mechanics and is accessible to students and researchers alike.
La dévolution des pouvoirs à l'écosse et au pays de galles
Moya Jones, Gilles Leydier
- Armand Colin
- 20 Octobre 2006
- 9782200256883
Les 11 et 18 septembre 1997 sont des dates importantes pour la constitution du Royaume-Uni. ... Lire la suite A l'occasion de ces deux référendums, Ecossais puis Gallois ont approuvé la création du Parlement écossais et de l'Assemblée nationale galloise, inaugurant ainsi une nouvelle phase historique dans la gouvernante du système politique britannique. La dévolution des pouvoirs vers l'Ecosse et le pays de Galles faisait partie d'un vaste programme de réforme constitutionnelle promis par le parti travailliste de Tony Blair, élu en mai 1997. Cet ouvrage examine en détail les origines de la dévolution et les différents débats et arguments autour de ce thème. La période couverte va du milieu des années 1960, marqué par un renouveau nationaliste en Ecosse comme au pays de Galles jusqu'à 1999, date qui correspond à l'installation des assemblées décentralisées. Tout en respectant le cadre général de la politique britannique, l'Ecosse et le pays de Galles sont examinés ici séparément, afin de bien dégager les spécificités identitaires de chacune des deux nations, qui sont souvent mal connues ou négligées.
Habitation avec les îles ; anthologie 1984-1998
Manuel Moya
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Poètes des cinq continents
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296184763
Ce recueil constitue la première anthologie poétique du poète espagnol Manuel Moya (Fuenteheridos,1960). Dans ces textes l'on apprécie l'évolution littéraire sur l'homme, dans une réflexion qui oscille entre l'espérance et une vision critique de l'existence, avec un langage qui recherche la transparence et la clarté. On y décèle une certaine influence de Machado dans ses vers, avec le souci constant d'une clarté formelle et d'un arrière-plan résolument humain.
Recent debates in contemporary feminist theory have been dominated by the relation between identity and politics. Beyond Identity Politics examines the implications of recent theorizing on difference, identity and subjectivity for theories of patriarchy and feminist politics.
Organised around the three central themes of subjectivity, power and politics, this book focuses on a question which feminists struggled with and were divided by throughout the last decade, that is: how to theorize the relation between the subject and politics. In this thoughtful engagement with these debates Moya Lloyd argues that the turn to the subject in process does not entail the demise of feminist politics as many feminists have argued. She demonstrates how key ideas such as agency, power and domination take on a new shape as a consequence of this radical rethinking of the subject-politics relation and how the role of feminist political theory becomes centred upon critique.
A resource for feminist theorists, women's and gender studies students, as well as political and social theorists, this is a carefully composed and wide-ranging text, which provides important insights into one of contemporary feminism's most central concerns. -
As the globalized regime of neoliberal capitalism consolidates its grip on the world, it refines the micropolitics proper to the capitalist system and makes it more perverse. This micropolitics involves the appropriation - what Suely Rolnik calls the "pimping" - of life, as it turns the life drive itself away from creation and cooperation and towards the deadening, destructive practice necessary for capital accumulation. This dynamic is the engine of what Rolnik calls the colonial-capitalistic unconscious regime. She also identifies the conditions necessary to fight against this regime - namely, a reappropriation of the life drive, the energetic basis at the heart of all life forms, human life included, and the principal source of extraction for capitalism. Drawing on examples from across the Americas, including Brazil and the United States, Rolnik examines the circumstances that have given rise to regressive, reactionary governments throughout the world. These circumstances include, at the macro level, an alliance between neoliberalism and extreme conservatism and, at the micro level, a crisis of the hegemonic subject in the face of the emergent empowerment of marginalized communities that practice other modes of subjectivation. This crucial book by one of the most prominent intellectuals in Latin America today will be of great value to anyone interested in contemporary politics and social struggles.
In recent years the approach towards rib fractures has evolved. Abandoned in the past, due to inadequate instrumentation and lack of evidence, rib fixation has recently re-emerged as a treatment option for trauma patients. There have been a number of advances over the last 25 years that now allow surgeons to internally fix rib fractures that otherwise may have not had other options. However, as a result there has been a rapid increase in literature and many institutions interested in initiating rib fixation programs. Due to a variety of practitioners involved namely, trauma surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and thoracic surgeons there has been no comprehensive guide to patient selection, technique, and post-operative care.
The purpose of this text is to fill the educational gap for those trauma, orthopedic, and thoracic surgeons interested in learning the cutting edge evidence-based approaches to treatment of rib fractures. This topichas caught the interest of many and has been a recurrent theme at surgical meetings over the last two years. Although there has been ever increasing levels of interest and experience nationally there are many questions which remain.
This text will provide not only the theoretical background for improving outcomes in those with rib fractures but also serve as a practical guide to those interested in starting new programs. The text will include tips and tricks that can be used in the OR or at the bedside to improve patient care. Therefore, the focus will be on a comprehensive review but also including tips and tricks from the most experienced surgeons around the country who are performing internal fixation for rib fractures. -
Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy
Vanessa Bravo, Maria De Moya
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 8 Juillet 2021
- 9783030745646
This book on Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy explains and illustrates, through case studies, the different strategic roles that diaspora groups play in modern public diplomacy efforts. These are categorized by being participatory, having a strong involvement of non-state actors, involving frequent partnerships, and placing an increased focus on global issues. In particular, this book provides, in its 13 chapters, the perspective of Latin American diasporas and nations, which are severely underrepresented in the public diplomacy literature. Additionally, because it is written from a strategic communication perspective, this book provides insight into a variety of public diplomacy approaches employed by modern-day diasporas from Latin America. It also describes some examples of diaspora-targeted, state-led public diplomacy efforts in the region. Taking a regional focus to the exploration of diasporas in public diplomacy, this edited book facilitates cross-country comparisons and the understanding of the phenomena beyond the country-specific cases.