Orson scott Card
Le cycle d'Ender Tome 1 : La Stratégie Ender
Orson Scott Card
- J'ai Lu
- Science-fiction
- 12 Juin 2018
- 9782290185681
Andrew Wiggin, dit Ender, n'est pas un garçon comme les autres. Depuis sa naissance, ses faits et gestes sont observés par l'intermédiaire d'un moniteur greffé dans son cerveau. Car ceux qui l'ont conçu ambitionnent de faire de lui le plus grand général de tous les temps, le seul capable de sauver ses semblables de l'invasion des doryphores. Et alors qu'Ender suit pas à pas le dur chemin de son apprentissage de guerrier, ses créateurs mesurent la gravité de leur choix : en donnant naissance à un monstre, n'ont-ils pas damné l'humanité elle-même ?
En franchissant le Mur, Rigg et ses compagnons croyaient avoir laissé le pire derrière eux. Mais c'est un monde inconnu, effrayant et trompeur qui les attend de l'autre côté. Même ceux sur qui ils pensaient pouvoir compter se révèlent peu fiables, prompts à les manipuler, et les risques qu'ils encourent sont énormes. Une seule certitude : s'ils veulent avoir un avenir, il leur faudra changer le passé...
Depuis le début de son aventure, Rigg a appris une chose : on ne peut pas tout défaire, et chaque action sur le temps aura des conséquences, chez lui, ou chez les autres... Le pisteur et ses compagnons se trouvent face à un cas de conscience : si leur monde est en sursis, faut-il raser les murs, ou doivent-ils se rendre sur Terre pour renverser l'ordre établi ? Mais alors, est-il juste de détruire un univers pour en sauver un autre ?
Une course contre la montre, un pari de la dernière chance, avec pour seule arme, comme toujours, le temps. -
'Delivers more than almost anything else within the science fiction genre, Ender's Game is a contemporary classic' - New York Times
'An affecting novel full of surprises.' - The New York Times Book Review on Ender's Game
An alien threat is on the horizon, ready to strike. And if humanity is to be defended, the government must create the greatest military commander in history.
The brilliant young Ender Wiggin is their last hope. But first he must survive the rigours of a brutal military training program - to prove that he can be the leader of all leaders.
A saviour for mankind must be produced, through whatever means possible. But are they creating a hero or a monster?
Discover the bestselling, multiple award-winning classic - a groundbreaking tale of war, strategy and survival.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
Le sort d'un héros de guerre n'a rien d'enviable. Envoyé dans l'espace dans le seul but de revenir à temps pour contrer la deuxième offensive des doryphores, le commandant Mazer Rackham a dû abandonner femme et enfants. C'est le prix à payer pour offrir à l'humanité une infime chance de survivre à une nouvelle confrontation. Mais cela suffira-t-il ? Ce n'est pas l'avis du lieutenant Graff, qui, sur Terre, tente de mettre en place un programme de recrutement et de formation des plus brillants esprits que compte la planète. Le futur sauveur de l'espèce humaine figure sans nul doute parmi Les candidats. Ce sera peut-être Bonito, s'il arrive à échapper à l'amour écrasant de son père ? Han Tzu, le petit génie dans sa prison dorée ? Ou Zeck, le jeune fondamentaliste chrétien ? Il en est un qui semble cependant les surclasser tous, un petit garçon qu'on surnomme déjà Ender.
Lorsqu'il chasse avec son père, Rigg est capable de suivre des pistes que lui seul perçoit, des traces d'un passé pas tout à fait enfui. Hormis ce talent peu commun qu'il doit dissimuler, le jeune homme mène une vie ordinaire. Du moins le croit-il, jusqu'à la mort de son père, lorsqu'il
découvre avec stupéfaction que son histoire personnelle n'est qu'un tissu de mensonges - même son identité est sujette à caution. Commence alors pour lui un fantastique voyage à travers les arcanes du temps... -
'There aren't too many recent sf novels we can confidently call truly moral works, but Speaker for the Dead is one. It's a completely gripping story.' - The Toronto Star
'Achieves and delivers more than almost anything else within the science fiction genre, Ender's Game is a contemporary classic' - New York Times on Ender's Game
Ender Wiggin was once considered a great military leader, a saviour for mankind.
But now history judges his destruction of an alien race as monstrous rather than heroic.
In the aftermath of the war, Ender disappeared, and a powerful voice arose: The Speaker for the Dead, who told the true story behind the battle with the aliens. Now, years later, a second alien race has been discovered. But again they are strange and frightening - and again, humans are dying.
It is only the Speaker for the Dead, secretly Ender Wiggin, who has the courage to confront the mystery . . . and the truth.
The Hugo and Nebula award-winning sequel to the classic science fiction novel ENDER'S GAME - soon to be released as a major motion picture starring Harrison Ford.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
'The novels of Orson Scott Card's Ender series are an intriguing combination of action, military and political strategy, elaborate war games and psychology.' - USA TODAY
'Hugo and Nebula-award winner Orson Scott Card demonstrates again that he belongs in the company of such older masters of science fiction as Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert and Ursula K. Le Guin.' - Magill Book Reviews
At first, Ender believed that they would bring him back to Earth as soon as things quieted down. But things were quiet now, had been quiet for a year, and it was plain to him now that they would not bring him back at all, that he was much more useful as a name and a story than he would ever be as an inconveniently flesh-and-blood person.
At the close of ENDER'S GAME, Andrew Wiggin - called Ender by everyone - knows that he cannot live on Earth. He has become far more than just a boy who won a game: he is the Saviour of Earth, a hero, a military genius whose allegiance is sought by every nation of the newly shattered Earth Hegemony.
He is offered the choice of living under the Hegemon's control, a pawn in his brother Peter's political games. Or he can join the colony ships and go out to settle one of the new worlds won in the war. The story of those years on the colony worlds has never been told . . . until now.
The direct sequel to the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning bestseller, ENDER'S GAME.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
Solaris 220
Orson Scott Card, Jean-Louis Trudel, Dave Cote, Hugues Lictevout, Mario Tessier
- Alire
- Solaris
- 28 Octobre 2021
- 9782924625743
« Le Carrousel » d'Orson Scott Card ; « L'Artisan du déluge » de Dave Côté ; « L'Autre Trame du temps » de Hugues Lictevout ; « Les Cosmos invisibles » de Mario Tessier ; « Le Matin, les arbres et leurs cadeaux » de Jean-Louis Trudel.
« Les Cartes du Tendre, ou la géographie imaginaire » de Mario Tessier. -
'Certain to be one of the most sought-after books of the year' - The Times
'Full of surprises ... Intense is the word for Orson Scott Card's ENDER'S GAME' - LOCUS
Manoeuvring through international politics and war, Peter Wiggin and Achilles are each determined to defeat the other and become Hegemon. When cloned embryos carrying Bean's brilliant intelligence fall into the hands of Achilles' people, the race to protect the world has only just begun...
Orson Scott Card's award-winning Ender series is a genuine classic of science fiction. In SHADOW PUPPETS, the third book in the new series following ENDER'S SHADOW and SHADOW OF THE HEGEMON, he follows the fates of Ender's fellow pupils from Battle School - now facing terrible new challenges, both personal and political.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
'Orson Scott Card made a strong case for being the best writer science fiction has to offer.' - The Houston Post on Xenocide
'The novels of Orson Scott Card's Ender series are an intriguing combination of action, military and political strategy, elaborate war games and psychology.' - USA Today
Ender and Valentine Wiggin: brother and sister whose lives have shaped history. Valentine is 'Demosthenes', whose subversive, incendiary writings fight the monstrous power of Starways Congress, masters of the Hundred Worlds.
And Ender. . . As a child, Ender commanded a warfleet that wiped out a planet. The triumph of his life could be his fight to stop it happening again. It might be his tragedy that he cannot.
Congress has sent a warfleet to Lusitania, home to Ender, his family, two alien species and the deadliest virus ever known. The warfleet carries an order to destroy. To commit xenocide.
A sequel novel to the science fiction classic ENDER'S GAME - soon to be released as a major motion picture starring Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley and Asa Butterfield
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
'The fifth and last volume in Card's sprawling Homecoming saga. More than parable, not quite allegory, Card's far-future religious saga manages, brilliantly, to be at once entertaining, unobjectionable, and edifying.' - Kirkus Reviews
'The conclusion of the story, in which the first born son of a former priest and leader sees the evil he has caused and selects his future, is vintage Card and a joy to read.' - Publishers Weekly
High above the Earth orbits the starship Basilica. On board the huge vessel is a sleeping woman. Of those who made the journey, Shedemai alone has survived the hundreds of years since the Children of Wetchik returned to Earth.
She now wears the Cloak of the Starmaster, and the Oversoul wakes her sometimes to watch over her descendants on the planet below. The population has grown rapidly - there are cities and nations now, whole peoples descended from those who followed Nafai or Elemak. But in all the long years of searching, the Oversoul has not found the thing it sought. It has not found the Keeper of Earth, the central intelligence that alone can repair the Oversoul's damaged programming.
The fifth and final volume in Card's majestic Homecoming saga.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
THE POLISH BOY: Following the first two 'Bugger' wars, the Hegemony is desperate to counter the alien threat, as the earth hasn't the resources to repel many more attacks. Their search for brilliant military talent reveals a potential genius in the form of young John Paul Wiggin - Ender Wiggin's father to be.
TEACHER'S PEST: John Paul Wiggin is indeed brilliant but is also an unbearably arrogant young man, now a university student. Graduate Theresa Brown, however, may prove his match as they clash socially and intellectually.
THE INVESTMENT COUNSELOR: Ender must wander incognito from world to world after banishment from earth as a mass murderer. His reputation as saviour of the human race has been twisted and corrupted since the long-ago Bugger wars and he must shield his identity at all costs. However, he is recognised and blackmailed by a small-time tax collector, who threatens to expose him as Ender, the world killer.
ENDER'S GAME: The story of Orson Scott Card's most memorable character in its powerful original novella form. -
Haunting, compulsive, urgently readable...Storytelling genius - INTERZONE
Certain to be one of the most soughtafter books of the year - LOCUS
The planet called Harmony had been settled by humans nearly forty years before. The colony had been placed under the care of an artificial intelligence, the Oversoul, high in orbit. This master computer had one overriding command: guard the people of Harmony.
But now the Oversoul is itself in danger. Soon, within a thousand years, catastrophic war will break out on Harmony unless the Oversoul can be repaired. The master computer has determined that it must be taken back to lost Earth; someone on Harmony must be given back the knowledge of space travel in order to save the planet from destruction. For one family, about to be caught up in an approaching civil war, life will change for ever.
The first book in the brilliant Homecoming series.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
'The man's versatility of style, subject and approach makes him unique in the SF field.' - Anne McCaffrey
'One of the genre's most convincing storytellers.' - Library Journal
'As always, Mr. Card writes with energy and conviction.' - The New York Times Book Review
Feeling itself to be failing, the Oversoul realises that it needs the technology of the Lost Earth to achieve its aims. It has already caused Nafai, a teenage boy, to commit murder ...
Nafai, his father and his brothers have left Basilica, but the rest of his family remain there, including his mother, the influential Lady Rasa. However, Rasa has other things on her mind, such as the 'friendly' invasion of troops under the leadership of General Vozmuzhalnoy Vozmozhno of Gorayni, who does not believe in any Gods, including the Oversoul - although he may still be its unknowing instrument.
The second book in the groundbreaking Homecoming series by Orson Scott Card.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
'This series continues to impress.' - Kirkus Reviews
'As always, Mr. Card writes with energy and conviction.' - The New York Times Book Review
'The man's versatility of style, subject and approach makes him unique in the SF field.' - Anne McCaffrey
Above the planet Harmony, the computer Oversoul watches. But its systems are failing and the only hope of repair lies a thousand light-years away on the planet Earth, which was left forty million years ago ...
Nafai and his family have been chosen to make the great journey home, but most of them do so grudgingly. Their anger and hatred will make the trek across the desert wastes to the long-abandoned spaceport both harder and more deadly.
The third book in the acclaimed Homecoming series by Orson Scott Card, now reissued with stunning new artwork.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
'Card has uncovered a rich vein of folklore and magic here, to which his assured handling of old time religion and manifest love of children is admirably suited: an appealing and intriguing effort.' - Kirkus Reviews
From the primal depth's of the world's greatest myths comes this gripping fantasy of a boy, born to be a Maker, whose dangerous journey towards knowledge and power makes history ...
Amid the deep woods where the Red Man still holds sway, a very special child is born. Young Alvin is the seventh son, and such a boy is destined to become great - perhaps even a man with the enormous powers of a Maker. But even in the loving safety of his home, dark forces reach out to destroy him. Somewhere out there is a power that will do anything to prevent him growing up ...
The first book in the acclaimed Tales of Alvin Maker series, by one of the world's best-loved SF/fantasy authors.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
'Suddenly the saga of Alvin Maker begins to thrill.' - Washington Post Book World
'Red Prophet is but a section of a vast American fantasy epic. It is vividly written, and the principal actors--Alvin, Ta-Kumsaw, the Prophet, and Alvin's Gandalfesque mentor Taleswapper--are all complete and memorable characters.' - The Philadelphia Inquirer
Since the age of eleven, when he saw the white men murder his father, the Red Indian Lolla-Wossiky has been a pathetic drunk. His brother, Ta-Kumsaw, wishes to see whites confined to the eastern lands. But Governor Bill Harrison of the rough frontier town of Carthage has far more brutal plans for the Indians.
When he puts those plans into action, he unwittingly brings young Alvin Miller - a very special white boy with extraordinary magical powers - to Lolla-Wossiky and Ta-Kumsaw. And brings Alvin one more step on his magical odyssey.
The second book in the acclaimed Tales of Alvin Maker series, by one of the world's best-loved SF/fantasy authors.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
'A tribute to the art of storytelling. . . highly recommended.' - Library Journal
'A beguiling book. . . robust but reflective blend of folktale, history, parable and personal testimony, pioneer narrative. The series promises to be a story of deep delight.' - Publishers Weekly
Alvin has returned to the town of his birth and is now the blacksmith's apprentice. But he must also learn the difficult arts of a Maker and he hopes that the magic of the seer, Peggy, can help him. However, Peggy can only anticipate a future filled with misery ... and Alvin is forced to hide the powers stirring inside him while the evil forces of the Unmaker are unleashed on those he loves ...
The third book in the acclaimed Tales of Alvin Maker series, by one of the world's best-loved SF/fantasy authors.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
From the the bestselling and world-renowned Orson Scott Card comes this collection of science fiction stories - each destined to inspire and remain with the reader for years to come. The collection includes the short story "Ender's Game", upon which the subsequent world-famous novel was based.
"Ender's Game" - Why are the wars of the future fought by children? Because they alone are free from all moral restraints.
"Eumedines" - What was the flippered monstrosity that had taken up residence in his WC?
"Unaccompanied Sonata" - It's not easy to be a musical genius when society makes it a crime to listen to Bach!
And many more . . . -
'Card has exceeded his own high standards ... The man's versatility makes him unique.' - Anne McCaffrey
For Step Fletcher, his pregnant wife DeAnne, and their three children, the move to tiny Steuben, North Carolina, offers new hope and a new beginning. But from the first, eight-year-old Stevie's life there is an unending parade of misery and disaster.
Cruelly ostracized at his school, Stevie retreats further and further into himself - and into a strange computer game and a group of imaginary friends.
But there is something eerie about his loyal, invisible new playmates: each shares the name of a child who has recently vanished from the sleepy Southern town. And terror grows for Step and DeAnne as the truth slowly unfolds. For their son has found something savagely evil . . and it's coming for Stevie next.
A chilling suspense thriller from the bestselling Orson Scott Card, author of ENDER'S GAME
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
Achieves and delivers more than almost anything else within the science fiction genre, Ender's Game is a contemporary classic - New York Times
'Full of surprises...Intense is the word for Orson Scott Card's ENDER'S GAME' - New York Times
The planet Lusitania is home to three sentient species: the Pequeninos; a large colony of humans; and the Hive Queen, brought there by Ender. But once again the human race has grown fearful; the Starways Congress has gathered a fleet to destroy Lusitania.
Jane, the evolved computer intelligence, can save the three sentient races of Lusitania. She has learned how to move ships outside the universe, and then instantly back to a different world, abolishing the light-speed limit. But it takes all the processing power available to her, and the Starways Congress is shutting down the Net, world by world. Soon Jane will not be able to move the ships. Ender's children must save her if they are to save themselves.
The dazzling Ender series, which has changed the face of science fiction, concludes.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens -
'Haunting, compulsive, urgently readable...Story-telling genius' - INTERZONE
'Certain to be one of the most sought-after books of the year' - LOCUS
The Oversoul of the colony planet Harmony selected the Wetchik family to carry it back to long-lost Earth. But from the beginning there has been bitter dispute between Nafai and Elemak, Wetchik's youngest son and his oldest.
On board the starship Basilica, the children of the tribe will become pawns in the struggle. Two factions are each making secret plans to awaken the children, and themselves, early from the cold-sleep capsules in which they will pass the long decades of the journey. But the Oversoul is truly in control of this journey. And only Nafai, who wears the Cloak of the Starmaster by the Oversoul's command, really understands what this will mean to all their plans for the future.
Book four of the acclaimed Homecoming series.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens
More information on this book and others can be found on the Orbit website at -
'The characterizations are first class, and the fast-paced action features one hair-raising episode after another....Shadow of the Hegemon is so nicely integrated into the rest of the Ender canon that readers will be completely enthralled.' - Booklist
'Shadow of the Hegemon is an ideal book with which to start your science fiction year.' - Rocky Mountain News
Orson Scott Card's award-winning Ender series is a genuine classic of science fiction. With ENDER'S SHADOW, the first book in the Shadow Saga, he took the series into fascinating new territory. For Ender Wiggin was not the only young recruit to be trained at Battle School.
Ender Wiggin and his fellow pupils at Battle School have defeated the alien forces in an extraordinary military operation. Ender's destiny among the stars awaits him, but for his young army it is time to return to earth. One by one, however, they are disappearing. Earth faces a new danger, only this time the enemy is much closer to home.
The second book in the new Ender series by bestselling author Orson Scott Card.
Books by Orson Scott Card:
Alvin Maker novels
Seventh Son
Red Prophet
Prentice Alvin
Alvin Journeyman
The Crystal City
Ender Wiggin Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender in Exile
The Memory of the Earth
The Call of the Earth
The Ships of the Earth
First Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)
Earth Unaware
Earth Afire
Earth Awakens